One of my FAVORITE things is to see other teachers' classrooms. I love seeing before and after pictures, themes, organization, decorations, and such. I mean before I had my own classroom I would take note of what I liked. Now I have my own classroom and it was not my style at all. The summer involved a lot of sweet talking my amazing handy-man grandpa! I made sure to document the transformation because looking back now it looks entirely different then the room I spend most of my life in! Ha :) During, student teaching my CT's classroom was HUGE! Now the school I am in is AMAZING! It is actually where I have ALWAYS wanted to work! Anyhow, the room I have is the smallest classroom in the school (but I only have 13 sweets!). It was/is a fun challenge trying to figure out the best way to use my space to maximize the learning. I leave you with some before photos with after photos soon to follow.
classroom view from one of the 2 entrances |
classroom view from the other entrance |
view from the previous teacher's teacher desk |
whiteboard and my projector screen is there (I have an Elmo and am addicted to it)
Those are the before pictures. I have in between the process photos, almost there photos, and real life school photos. I was blessed to have the whole summer to be in my room and go through the "inherited" stuff, paint, and organize. It was such a blessing and then the help from those closest to me was phenomenal! I sometimes wonder if parents truly realize all the time, energy, effort, and money we put into what we do. . . Some parents do and others I believe are still largely unaware. Good thing I do what I love for the sweets!
I'm one of your newest followers cute things! I teach 2nd grade as well!
Very nice article..
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